
                     2013 - Time to Care
                                                     Our Program
Check below for our schedule of events, some months we could be gallivanting around the country side.
We come together on the first Wednesday of the month, usually in the meeting room at the Loch Public Hall, Smith Street, Loch.
At times this might be at 11am for a variety of activities, bring lunch then meet at 1-30pm followed by quick cuppa.
Enquiries ring Val on 5659 4268

                                        2013 Syllabus
So what are we up to......lots and lots and you are welcome to come along.
                all women..all ages..all places
July -  Wed. 3rd A Talk on Norfolk Island
             Loch Winter Market - 2nd Sunday
Aug. - Wed. 1st A Picnic Lunch at
            Cranbourne Botanical Gardens - meet
            at Loch Hall at 11am.
            Loch Winter Market - 2nd Sunday
Sept. - Wed 4th - swap a plant, syllabus 
            suggestions for next year.
            Loch Winter Market - 2nd Sunday
Oct -   Wed 2nd - Birthday celebrations, bring
            a plate of party food. Join with
            Woodleigh Vale Branch on the 16th for
            a joint celebration.
Nov. - Wed 2nd AGM - dress up for Ladies
Dec -  Wed 5th - Xmas lunch- venue TBA
            Decorated box - winner's choice of
           charity gets $5-00 for everyone. 

                            Back in 2012
Sharing a cup of Moroccan Tea

June 6th, 2012 - Association Day - A luncheon and Guest Speaker on Cambodia

goods made in Cambodia and sold in Australia through a 'fair trade' system

food always an important aspect of International Days

and more food
Members from across Bass Group came together at Loch, learnt of issues and challenges faced by the Cambodian people, the building of a school in rural Cambodia. They also enjoyed a variety of Cambodian dishes.